... der Beziehungsfragebogen nimmt so langsam Gestalt an. Bin schon gespannt, was die werten Leser dazu sagen.
Gestern hat mir meine Lieblingsmitbewohnerin einen schönen Brief von D. mitgebracht. Hab mich sehr darüber gefreut und werde auf jeden Fall antworten!!! :-)
Endlich mal so richtig erfreuliche Post!
Endlich mal so richtig erfreuliche Post!
Ich bin diese Frau hier:

You Scored as Uhura
You are Lieutenant Uhura. Wow, you are a sweety. You are a quiet supporter of those you care about, and are always ready to listen. You have a secret yearning for the spotlight, and a fine talent, but you tend to find yourself in supportive roles. More of us should hear your song, so make sure you get up there and belt it out every once in awhile. It's good for your ego and our ears.

You Scored as Uhura
You are Lieutenant Uhura. Wow, you are a sweety. You are a quiet supporter of those you care about, and are always ready to listen. You have a secret yearning for the spotlight, and a fine talent, but you tend to find yourself in supportive roles. More of us should hear your song, so make sure you get up there and belt it out every once in awhile. It's good for your ego and our ears.